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6 way to entertain the little ones..

So just when I thought home schooling was over! My sister Ainslie asked me to write this weeks blog post . As if I haven’t had enough English lessons! Ooo and she wants it on how have I kept my kids entertained through half term, so here it is..... 




Pouring myself a glass of wine to she deal with another day in lockdown. Jokes, kind of, not really. A glass a day keeps the homeschooling at bay.



Taking lots of walks on the beach, Bertie always likes to make a damn so don’t forget your spade! We are so lucky to have such lovely beaches, we have really been making the most of them, even on the wet and windy days!



Yet another walk.... but we shook it up a bit by walking in the woods we were even lucky enough to see squirrels and ducks!



Ok, so my husband is right, old surfboards can be useful! We took ours down the sand dunes and the kids loved it!



When the weather was really bad stay we stayed in doors and got out the fancy dress box. Bonnie loves to dress up as Elsa and she always tells me to dress up as Olaf!! Yep she is the one having a laugh.



Bertie and Bonnie also love the skate park, obviously you aren’t allowed to go in at the moment. However we have been going up there as they are doing the St Ives one up and watching all the diggers. It’s going to be amazing.

Anyhow it looks hopeful the kids are going back to school in March. In the meantime why don’t you treat yourself to some bath salts and let your kids enjoy our free St. Ives colouring book with every order. Add the baths salts of your choice to your cart along with our colouring and activity book, then use code 'HALFTERM' for discount to be applied.


Love Tegen

1 comment

  • Congratulations I believe it was February half term last year we watched the boys putting your Shop name over the door in Fore Street.who would have even dreamt what was ahead of us 🌊🌊🌊

    Rosie Jones

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